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The politics of school textbooks
by Dana Scherle, Daniel Heinrich
Deutsche Welle
School curricula in Turkey and EU states Hungary and Poland have been trending more toward patriotism and religion, with less emphasis on diversity. Teachers and other education experts are voicing their criticism.
The image of schoolchildren marching in step reminds many Eastern Europeans of life under communist dictatorship, yet it could again become reality in Hungary. Prime Minister Viktor Orban has asked the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Human Resources to develop a patriotic homeland defense education program by the end of this year, which would be included in the national curriculum for Hungarian schools.
"Introducing military education in schools is not surprising: After the complete political and administrative takeover of schools, they are already more like military barracks than institutions for teaching and learning," Peter Rado, a Hungarian expert on education policy and critic of the Orban government, told DW. He also expressed concern over the elimination of the free textbook market in Hungary.
In neighboring Romania, the minister of education sparked controversy by suggesting the introduction of a single school textbook system - with only one nationwide edition per subject and grade. Critics have warned that single textbooks would be reminiscent of the school system during Nicolae Ceausescu''s regime, paving the way for ideological control.
Christiane Brandauer, from Germany''s Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, told DW a red line is crossed "if teaching aims at presenting a certain worldview as an absolute truth."
From Peter Rado''s perspective, Hungary has crossed that red line, calling the new policy a "nationalistic and religious indoctrination" that goes beyond textbooks. "For example, the government introduced mandatory religious education - with the option of attending ''ethics'' classes instead, but this subject is hardly any different from religion," he said.
In Turkey, creationism has been present in textbooks since the 1980s. In the new academic year, Darwin''s theory of evolution has less space in the official school curriculum. Large parts of the theory are "too complicated" and "too controversial," the Ministry of Education explained in an official statement. A new subject called "creatures and environment" is set to replace it.
Critics say skirting the theory of evolution in Turkish schools ''sidelines wisdom and science''.
Hatice Karahan, one of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan''s chief advisers, defended the Turkish curriculum in an interview with DW. Removing the theory of evolution from lesson plans does not "contradict" the progressiveness of Turkish schools, she said. "Countries have different curricula, and many of our schools focus on technical subjects."
Academics and politicians from the opposition have strongly condemned the changes. "Removing a proven theory from the curriculum means sidelining wisdom and science," said Baris Yarkadas, a member of Turkey''s largest opposition party, CHP. "The [ruling Justice and Development Party] government is replacing it with a program including Sharia principles."
Critics of these changes see them as an attempt to weaken Turkey''s secular ideals. They also point out that in comparison to previous versions, the current curriculum left less space for modern Turkey''s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who introduced secular reforms.
Historical revisionism?
History textbooks can allow governments the opportunity to cast political figures in a positive light. In Russia, a book on Josef Stalin''s campaign of repression was declared "dangerous to the health of students." Its author, history professor Andrei Suslov, has taken the issue to court. Stalin''s dictatorship is framed in Russian schools as having been necessary for its time. He is depicted as the hero who defeated the Nazis in World War II, despite operating gulags and persecuting his political opponents.
Addressing political figures can also impact the present. In Hungary, one textbook quotes Prime Minister Orban several times and includes a speech he delivered on the refugee crisis. Students learn that Hungary is a culturally homogeneous country - unlike former colonial powers - as an argument against accepting refugees.
The current refugee crisis has also found its way into Polish school textbooks. In a seventh grade "civic science" class, students learn that migrants have "positive or negative effects."
"I don''t know if I should laugh or cry at this," Jacek Staniszewski, a teacher from Warsaw and member of the European Association of History Educators (Euroclio), told DW. "The textbook says that migrants from Ukraine can fill gaps in the Polish labor market, while those who come from other cultures and religions cause social conflicts." Staniszewski is critical of education reform pushed by the country''s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS), which abolished the middle school model and reinstated the eight-year elementary school system used during communist rule.
In Polish schools, subjects like history have taken on more importance. But the changes to the curriculum have also drawn criticism. "This curriculum divides people into us and them - the narrative shapes our identity against some nations like the Germans and the Russians," said Staniszewski.
From this school year on, lessons in fourth grade don''t start with ancient history, as they did before, but with the 10th century, when the Christian ruler Miezko I founded Poland. For one year, children study a long list of Polish national heroes, said Staniszewski, adding: "My task is to show greatness - but history is not all about great people. And maybe they were not that great all the time."
"My students deserve more than just one perspective," said the teacher, who does not plan to change his style of educating. "It''s up to them to choose one and debate with me." Unlike in Hungary, Polish teachers can choose from a multitude of textbooks. "Our government is naive enough to try to indoctrinate people, but history shows that it''s not going to work," said Staniszewski. "Communism hasn''t succeeded in indoctrinating people in 50 years."

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Water justice groups denounce World Water Forum''s "Citizen''s Process"
by Maude Barlow
Council of Canadians
April 2017
A letter I sent to the organizers of the Citizens’ Process at the World Water Forum, April 25, 2017.
A few weeks ago, I received an invitation to participate in the preparatory meeting for the World Water Forum’s “Citizens’ Process” that is taking place today, April 25 in Brazilia. I understand that this meeting is part of the World Water Council’s effort to coordinate global civil society organizations in advance of the World Water Forum taking place in 2018 in Brazil.
I am writing to explain why I and the undersigned organizations will not be accepting the invitation to participate at this meeting or in any future process associated with the World Water Forum.
As global water justice organizations, we have long opposed the role of the World Water Forum in promoting the privatization and commodification of water. The World Water Forum is not a legitimate policymaking space. It is a corporate trade show organized by the World Water Council – a multi-stakeholder consortium promoting solutions to the water crisis that serve the interests of multinational corporations.
We are appalled that United Nations agencies and governments from around the world would lend any credibility to the World Water Forum as a decision-making platform by participating in it. Public funds should not be spent on mega private sector conventions.
We call instead for a genuinely democratic global forum that will address the global water crisis by promoting policies aimed at implementing the human rights to water and sanitation and protecting freshwater as part of the global commons.
Water policies should not be discussed or drafted behind closed doors at expensive corporate trade shows. Multinational corporations whose actions are responsible for the destruction of watersheds or for the denial of access to the most vulnerable populations must not be rewarded with a seat at the decision-making table.
As water justice advocates we will not lend our voices to the corporate policy forum by participating in the event or in any of the preparatory processes. Instead, we will support activities organized by local Brazilian groups in solidarity with campaigns challenging the Temer government’s agenda to sell off public water and sanitation utilities and freshwater supplies in Brazil.
May 2017
Report - Water For Sale
How Free Trade And Investment Agreements Threaten Environmental Protection Of Water And Promote The Commodification Of The World''s Water.
In Water for Sale Maude Barlow explores how modern free trade and investment agreements impede the ability of people and their governments to maintain environmental laws and regulations to protect their water. She also shows how trade agreements advance the privatization and commodification of water. Free trade has become a crucial tool to help transnational capital and transnational corporations influence government policy in their favour.
Recently, corporations have used trade and investment agreements to challenge public control of water and to bring water into the market system where it is subject to strict corporate-friendly trade rules.
Water For Sale examines how free trade and investment agreements are promoting the commodification of the world’s water and argues that if the 2010 UN resolution recognizing water as a human right is to be realized, water in all its forms must be removed from all such deals forever.
The World Health Organization recently issued a dire warning that 2 billion people are drinking contaminated water. Water for Sale highlights how this crisis could be made even worse if deals like NAFTA, CETA, the TPP and the free trade model as a whole, aren’t abandoned once and for all.
“Modern free trade and investment agreements undermine laws and regulations to protect water. To protect water in international trade dealings, water must be removed in all these categories from all trade and investment agreements,” says Barlow.
“The practice and privilege of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) must end. People and their governments must be given the right to restrict trade from places or in conditions where water and local communities have been harmed. Foreign investors must return to using the domestic courts of the countries in which they are operating and with whom they have a dispute. The political moment to have this debate has arrived.”
Water for Sale highlights three ways that free trade deals endanger water: commodifying water as a tradeable “good”; treating water as a “service”, which promotes the privatization of water services; and treating water as an “investment”, subject to the clauses in these agreements that let corporations challenge water protection laws.
“The backlash against ISDS provisions in the new generation of trade and investment agreements is growing, and not just among civil society,” says Barlow.
“Many countries have either rejected ISDS outright or have expressed serious reservations about it.”
* Access the report:

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