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Egypt: Fear of Torture or Ill-treatment/ Incommunicado Detention
by Amnesty International - Stop Torture Campaign
8:15pm 25th Apr, 2003
Egypt: Fear of torture or ill-treatment/ Incommunicado detention
Mahmud Hassan Hassan (m); Ramiz Gihad (m); Ibrahim al Sahari (m), journalist; Wa el Tawfiq (m); Marwan Hamdi (m)
Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of five anti war activists who were detained between 12 and 15 April in the capital Cairo. Although their exact whereabouts are unconfirmed, Mahmud Hassan Hassan, Ramiz Gihad, Ibrahim al-Sahari and Wa'el Tawfiq have reportedly been held incommunicado at the State Security Intelligence (SSI) headquarters at Lazoghly Square where they were reportedly subjected to torture or ill-treatment.
Mahmud Hassan Hassan was detained at an anti-war demonstration in front of the Egyptian Journalists' Union in the centre of Cairo on 12 April. Ramiz Gihad was detained at a nearby caf?Eon the same day. Both are believed to be held incommunicado at the SSI headquarters at Lazoghly Square, following the testimony of a released detainee who was held with them. Mahmud Hassan Tawfiq and Ramiz Gihad were reportedly severely beaten at the SSI headquarters. Ramiz Gihad was reportedly also subjected to electric shocks.
Ibrahim al-Sahari, a journalist and anti-war activist, was detained on 13 April at his home in Cairo by security officers who did not produce a warrant of arrest. He was reportedly taken to the SSI headquarters at Lazoghly Square, where he has allegedly been beaten. In February, Ibrahim al-Sahari was previously detained at the SSI headquarters in Cairo, during which time he was reportedly ill-treated.
Anti-war activist, Wa'el Tawfiq was reportedly detained in Cairo on 13 April. He is also reportedly held at the SSI headquarters, where he was allegedly beaten. He was previously detained in January 2002 during the Cairo International Book Fair. He was taken to the SSI headquarters, where he was allegedly tortured. A medical examination conducted by experts from the Cairo based Nadim Centre for the Management and Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence found evidence consistent with his torture allegations.
Anti-war activist Marwan Hamdi was reportedly detained on 15 April in Cairo. His exact whereabouts are unconfirmed, but it is feared that he is being held incommunicado at a premises of the State Security Intelligence (SSI) where he is at risk of being subjected to torture or ill-treatment.
Act now !
Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Arabic, English or your own language:
- expressing concern that Mahmud Hassan Hassan, Ramiz Gihad, Ibrahim al-Sahari, Wa'el Tawfiq and Marwan Hamdi are reportedly held in incommunicado detention;
- urging the authorities to reveal exactly where they are being held, and give them access to lawyers, relatives and any medical attention they may require;
- expressing concern at reports that anti-war activists, including Mahmud Hassan Hassan, Ramiz Gihad, Ibrahim al-Sahari and Wa'el Tawfiq were reportedly tortured or ill-treated in State Security Intelligence (SSI) detention;
- calling for an immediate and impartial investigation into the allegations of torture or ill-treatment, for the results to be made public and for those responsible to be brought to justice;
- calling on the authorities to provide a guarantee that detainees will not be tortured or ill-treated in detention;
- calling on the authorities to guarantee that no one should be held in custody or charged solely on the basis of exercising his or her right to freedom of expression.
His Excellency Mohammad Hosni Mubarak
President of the Arab Republic of Egypt
'Abedine Palace, Cairo, Egypt
Telegram: President Mubarak, Cairo, Egypt
Fax: + 202 390 1998
Telex: 93794 WAZRA UN
Salutation: Your Excellency
His Excellency General Habib al-Adeli
Minister of the Interior
Ministry of the Interior
Al-Sheikh Rihan Street
Bab al-Louk, Cairo, Egypt
Telegram: Minister of Interior, Cairo, Egypt
Fax: + 202 579 2031
Salutation: Dear Minister
His Excellency Mr Faruq Sayf al-Nasr
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Midan Lazoghly, Cairo, Egypt
Telegrams: Minister of Justice, Cairo, Egypt
Fax: + 202 795 8103
Salutation: Dear Minister
Counsellor Maher 'Abd al-Wahid
Public Prosecutor
Dar al-Qadha al-'Ali
Ramses Street, Cairo, Egypt
Telegrams: Public Prosecutor, Cairo, Egypt
Fax: + 202 577 4716
Salutation: Dear Public Prosecutor
Send Copies to: Diplomatic representatives of Egypt accredited to your country.

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