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The Disaster Resilience Journal interactive documentary
by ECHO, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
9:05pm 6th Oct, 2014
The Disaster Resilience Journal is an interactive documentary that examines how individuals, communities and countries around the world are building resilience in a landscape of climate change, and social, economic and cultural shifts.
The documentary was funded by the European Commission’s Department for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO), and highlights its work with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and National Societies from Europe and the world.
The Journal is available in 11 languages (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Croatian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Finnish and Danish).
The Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) is a 10-year action plan endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 2005, with the intention of making the world safer from natural hazards and reducing disaster losses. The HFA expires in 2015. As consultations for developing a post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) continue, the Journal aims to inform people of some of the issues at play ahead of the culmination of this process at the 3rd World Conference on DRR scheduled for March 2015 in Sendai, Japan.
The Journal is serialized as a set of 42 short articles, released one a day via social media networks, blogs and word of mouth. Each article is associated with a general theme: what are the issues that at-risk communities face; what steps are they taking to prepare for disasters and become more resilient; what does their resilience mean and look like? Articles can take the form of photo or video essays, interviews, games or quizzes, each with the aim of educating the audience about resilience through example and illustration.

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