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UN Security Council voices 'deep concern' at Deteriorating Situation in Darfur
by UN News
11:48pm 8th Dec, 2004
7 December 2004
Alarmed that the deteriorating security situation in Sudan's western Darfur region risks degenerating into chaos, the United Nations Security Council today called on the Government and rebels to abide by their pledges to end what the UN has termed the world's worst humanitarian crisis.
The Council call came after it heard a briefing on Secretary-General Kofi Annan's latest report on Sudan, in which he says that the optimism generated on the political front after recent accords signed between the Government and rebels was overshadowed by regression in the security situation. "Chaos is looming as order is collapsing," he states.
Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Kieran Prendergast, who briefed the Council, recited a litany of ceasefire violations by both sides, banditry, looting, increased activity by the Janjaweed and other pro-government militia and the Government's failure to disarm them.
"The Security Council expressed their deep concern about the recent escalation of violence and tension in Darfur and the negative impact of this situation on the civilian population," the Council President for December, Algerian Ambassador Abdallah Baali said in a press statement.
Mr. Prendergast told the 15-member body, "Despite some earlier gains, "November was characterized by violence and a marked deterioration in the security situation." Nearly 1.7 million people have been displaced since rebels took up arms last year to demand a greater share of the region's economic resources and the Janjaweed stand accused of killing and raping thousands of villagers.
Mr. Prendergast noted that the rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) is thought to be responsible, although it has denied it, for instigating much of the violence in violation of security and humanitarian accords signed with the Government in early November in Abuja, Nigeria.
"A clear message needs to be sent to the SLA to stop military action, at least some of which appears deliberately intended to provoke the Government into retaliation," he said. He added that Government air raids in retaliation, which the Government has denied, would - if confirmed - also violate the Abuja accords, and warned that the armed militias should not be allowed to take the law into their own hands by responding in kind to violence instigated by the SLA.
"Regrettably, the Government has made no progress in disarming the Janjaweed," he said, adding that the African Union (AU) Ceasefire Commission had confirmed that it had not been invited so far to verify any disarmament activities by the Government. Nor had there been any evidence of the Government bringing to justice Janjaweed leaders for their past crimes as demanded by the Security Council in July in resolution 1556.
"Indeed, unconfirmed reports continue to circulate that the armed militias continue to receive arms from some quarters in Khartoum," he said.
Mr. Prendergast and the Council praised AU efforts to get the parties to comply with their commitments, as well as the role of the African Mission in Sudan (AMIS). But he noted that AMIS so far had only 800 troops and just over 100 military observers in Darfur for its monitoring and mediating tasks.
"The Government's inaction regarding the disarmament of the militia underscores the need to strengthen AMIS' capacity even further," he said. He also noted that the increased insecurity and the rainy season had cut off relief operations from tens of thousands of vulnerable civilians.
The Council also reaffirmed the need for the rapid conclusion of peace talks in Sudan's other major conflict in the south, where the Government and the rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) have pledge to reach final agreement by 31 December.
In his report Mr. Annan says he is concerned that some elements on both sides in that conflict could perceive an interest in undermining a comprehensive accord. "Internal frictions, personal rivalries, bidding for larger gains outside the North-South process, or groups competing for attention, could constitute difficult obstacles," he writes. "Spoilers cannot be allowed to derail this process."

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